Happy New Year for 2008

* Riley Ann Sawyers (2005-2007) * If Only ... * Forum * Join in ... * Condolences Riley's Blog * Our Mission * Missing Kidz * Guest Book * Merry Christmas

May You All Have a Prosperous New Year

To Everyone on Baby-Grace.org 

May each and every one of you have a wonderful, and prosperous New Year. 

In South Africa we are 3 hours away from 2008 ... music from neighbouring parties, and barbecues - ring through the air (also the tantalizing aroma of barbecued meat, as it wafts past my window every now and then)!  There's so much excitement ... fireworks and laughter! 

As Veronica ('ShiningStar') would say - live each day as though it were our last ... let's make the most of life! 

Be careful what you sow - and never sow in haste!  Good seeds make a good harvest! So invest in your future with caution - so that your 'harvest may be plentiful, and it may bless you and your family'!

Think carefully before you make 'on the spur of the moment decisions' - it can affect your life drastically ... whether for better or for worse! 

You guys are the greatest.  Thank-you for accepting me so readily into your group.

God bless, and do take care

Tons of love and good wishes

Marlene and family
